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Communication with Users

· 3 min read

I have developed Team Contribution Tracking (TeCTra) system for UTS. It is an Ajax web application the back-end of which is built using Java. A few months ago, a new function to get feedback from users was added to TeCTra.

  • TeCTra User Feedback Function

    TeCTra User Feedback Function

About a half month ago, I've got a feedback email from a user. This is sent through the function above.

  • TeCTra User Feedback Email

    TeCTra User Feedback Email

  • TeCTra User Feedback Email

    TeCTra User Feedback Email

This feedback is about the usability of TeCTra. What he/she points out is that the button to create a new task in the time sheet tab is positioned too close to the remove button so users may click the remove button by mistake when they want to click the add task button. As the image below shows, the last remove button is too close to the new task button. So as mentioned in the feedback, users might click the remove button by mistake.

  • The last remove task button is too close to the new task button.

    The last remove task button is too close to the new task button.

We, the development team of the TeCTra, had a discussion about this and other issues then decided to move the buttons to the right-hand side. Since the front-end is developed by my friend, Sverre, he changed the positions of the remove buttons. My boss, Dr. Richard Raban, also brought other issues so I and my friend took care of all of these and deployed a new version of TeCTra.

Now the remove buttons are all right-justified so users will not click it by chance when they want to click the new task button. Now the remove buttons are all right-justified so users will not click it by chance when they want to click the new task button.

It is good to have an issue tracking system so that the users of software can easily report bugs they found or require new functions they want. This might be good enough yet it is even better if the application itself has issue tracking and feedback functions as I've learned from the user feedback function. Thus I am thinking to implement feedback and bug reporting functions which directly add a new ticket to an issue tracking system from my next application development. So it does not only send a feedback email to the developer but also add an issue to the issue tracking system.